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The Kent Elementary PTA is excited to kick off the 2023-2024 school year. The best way for you to support the PTA is to pay for a membership for the whole family.


Click HERE to sign up for your Texas PTA membership today!



On January 9, 2024 the Kent PTA Board met and voted in agreement to propose the following changes to our current Kent PTA Bylaws. In accordance to Texas PTA, the proposed changes must be posted for 30 days before voting on them.
Change #1: Raise PTA dues by $1.50 to match the increase established by Texas PTA. This will bring local PTA dues to $8.00. **This was already voted on and approved by general membership at our August 2023 PTA Meeting.**
Change #2: Decrease the mandatory PTA general membership events to reflect two for the fall semester and two for the spring semester. PTA general membership meetings/events will be scheduled for September, October, February and April. 
Change #3: Decrease the mandatory number of people needed to form the PTA Nominating Committee. The Board would like to propose that the Nominating Committee be composed of 3 members and 1 alternate.
These Kent PTA bylaws will be voted on at a future PTA meeting/event in February. As soon as meeting details have been finalized, we will share those with you.